When one clicks on any of the years for NFL Boxscores from this page at pro-football-reference.com , they are taken to a page that provides data on weekly games played for that year. Data include Week number, Day of game, Date, winning team, losing team, whether the losing team was at home ground, points of winner, points of loser (tie if both were same), net yards gained by winner, net yards gained by loser, turnovers by winner, and turnover by loser. The address of the page follows a specific pattern. For example:
There are 3 parts to the URL.
The earliest year for which data are available happens to be 1922; it can be arrived at by consecutively clicking the link to the previous year from every year's page. The strategy for scraping is to do the following.
weeklystats = as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = 14)) # Initializing our empty dataframe
names(weeklystats) = c("Week", "Day", "Date", "Blank", "Win.Team", "At", "Lose.Team",
"Points.Win", "Points.Lose", "YardsGained.Win", "Turnovers.Win", "YardsGained.Lose",
"Turnovers.Lose", "Year") # Naming columns
URLpart1 = "http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/"
URLpart3 = "/games.htm"
#### Our workhorse function ####
getData = function(URLpart1, URLpart3) {
for (i in 1922:2013) {
URL = paste(URLpart1, as.character(i), URLpart3, sep = "")
tablefromURL = readHTMLTable(URL)
table = tablefromURL[[1]]
names(table) = c("Week", "Day", "Date", "Blank", "Win.Team", "At", "Lose.Team",
"Points.Win", "Points.Lose", "YardsGained.Win", "Turnovers.Win",
"YardsGained.Lose", "Turnovers.Lose")
table$Year = i # Inserting a value for the year
weeklystats = rbind(table, weeklystats) # Appending happening here
weeklystats = getData(URLpart1, URLpart3) # Calling on our workhorse to do its job and saving the raw data results in weeklystats
save(weeklystats, file = "rawweeklystats.rda")
Let us now verify if we have exactly 48 Super Bowls in our data.
dim(weeklystats) # tells us number of rows and columns
## [1] 15205 14
## 1 10 11 12 13 14
## 81 927 873 855 827 724 708
## 15 16 17 2 3 4 5
## 521 507 367 931 920 906 882
## 6 7 8 9 ConfChamp Division SuperBowl
## 873 883 867 871 125 191 48
## Week WildCard 18
## 1177 126 14
Okay, 48 Super Bowls. We are on track. The Week column also has values of "Week", "NA", and ""(blank). Let us clean data further. Putting dplyr to work.
weeklystatsdf = tbl_df(weeklystats) # tbl_df enables printing only few rows/cols on screen...
weeklystatsdf = filter(weeklystatsdf, Week != "Week", Week != "NA", Week !=
"") # removing Week, NA, and ''
for (i in 1:13) {
weeklystatsdf[, i] = factor(weeklystatsdf[, i])
} # Factoring to remove those levels
Few more changes required to the data frame.
weeklystatsdf$Blank = NULL
for (i in 7:12) {
weeklystatsdf[, i] = as.numeric(levels(weeklystatsdf[, i]))[weeklystatsdf[,
} #Make cols with points, yards turnovers numeric
## [1] "1" "10" "11" "12" "13"
## [6] "14" "15" "16" "17" "2"
## [11] "3" "4" "5" "6" "7"
## [16] "8" "9" "ConfChamp" "Division" "SuperBowl"
## [21] "WildCard" "18"
weeklystatsdf$Week = factor(weeklystatsdf$Week, levels(weeklystatsdf$Week)[c(1,
10:17, 2:9, 22, 21, 19, 18, 20)]) # reordering the factor levels for week in order to make them chronological
levels(weeklystatsdf$Week) # check
## [1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"
## [6] "6" "7" "8" "9" "10"
## [11] "11" "12" "13" "14" "15"
## [16] "16" "17" "18" "WildCard" "Division"
## [21] "ConfChamp" "SuperBowl"
Let us add 7 more columns to our data. Columns for point difference between winner and loser, difference in turnovers between winner and loser, and lastly, difference in net yards gained between winner and loser. We also add 3 columns for total points, total turnovers, and total yards gained in the game. The last column, Details, will come in handy to provide some information regarding teams that played the game and their points.
weeklystatsdf = mutate(weeklystatsdf, Points.Diff = Points.Win - Points.Lose,
YardsGained.Diff = YardsGained.Win - YardsGained.Lose, Turnovers.Diff = Turnovers.Win -
Turnovers.Lose, Points.Sum = Points.Win + Points.Lose, YardsGained.Sum = YardsGained.Win +
YardsGained.Lose, Turnovers.Sum = Turnovers.Win + Turnovers.Lose, Details = paste("<table><tr><td>Win.Team:",
Win.Team, "<br>Lose.Team:", Lose.Team, "<br>Points.Win:", Points.Win,
"<br>Points.Lose:", Points.Lose, "</td></tr></table>"))
dim(weeklystatsdf) # rows and columns
## [1] 13946 20
names(weeklystatsdf) # names of variables
## [1] "Week" "Day" "Date"
## [4] "Win.Team" "At" "Lose.Team"
## [7] "Points.Win" "Points.Lose" "YardsGained.Win"
## [10] "Turnovers.Win" "YardsGained.Lose" "Turnovers.Lose"
## [13] "Year" "Points.Diff" "YardsGained.Diff"
## [16] "Turnovers.Diff" "Points.Sum" "YardsGained.Sum"
## [19] "Turnovers.Sum" "Details"
A quick check again - When did the first Super Bowl happen and in which year did the latest Super Bowl happen? How many Super Bowls?
nrow(filter(weeklystatsdf, Week == "SuperBowl"))
## [1] 48
range(filter(weeklystatsdf, Week == "SuperBowl")$Year)
## [1] 1966 2013
There have been 48 Super Bowls (all this trouble to find this?). The catch is that there's a lag of a year in the data, i.e., the Year column indicates year of the football season. The Super Bowl for that season occured the following calendar year. This is something to keep in mind when following through with rest of the analysis.
We address this question by creating two single column data frames, one of only the winning teams and the other of only the losing team. Then we add another column to both these data frame with a dummy indicator for a win or a loss. These are then merged into a single data frame for an nvd3 plot using rCharts.
wins = weeklystatsdf %.% filter(Week == "SuperBowl") %.% select(Win.Team) %.%
mutate(Win.Loss = "Win")
names(wins) = c("Team", "Win.Loss")
wins$Team = factor(wins$Team) # removing team levels not in the resulting data frame
losses = weeklystatsdf %.% filter(Week == "SuperBowl") %.% select(Lose.Team) %.%
mutate(Win.Loss = "Loss")
names(losses) = c("Team", "Win.Loss")
losses$Team = factor(losses$Team) # removing team levels not in the resulting data frame
winlosses = rbind(wins, losses)
winlosstab = as.data.frame(table(winlosses$Team, winlosses$Win.Loss))
names(winlosstab) = c("Team", "Win.Loss", "Count")
nwl = nPlot(Count ~ Team, group = "Win.Loss", data = winlosstab, type = "multiBarChart")
nwl$chart(color = c("red", "green"))
nwl$xAxis(rotateLabels = -90)
nwl$chart(reduceXTicks = FALSE)
nwl$chart(stacked = TRUE)
# nwl$publish('nwl', host='gist')
Hovering over the bars should provide details of different teams. The stacked bars provide a count of the number of their wins (green) and losses (in red). The combined height is the number of appearances.You can also unstack the bars by clicking the "Grouped" circle/dot (top left).
supbowl = weeklystatsdf %.% filter(Week == "SuperBowl") %.% select(Points.Win:Details) %.%
supbowlmelt = melt(supbowl, id = c("Year", "Details"))
supplot = nPlot(value ~ Year, group = "variable", data = supbowlmelt, type = "lineWithFocusChart")
supplot$set(disabled = c(T, T, T, T, T, T, F, T, T, T, T, T))
supplot$chart(tooltipContent = "#! function(key, x, y, Details){ \n return key + ':' + y + '<br>'+ 'Year:' + x + '<br>'+ Details.point.Details\n} !#")
# supplot$publish('supplot',host='gist')
The following nvd3 chart, via rCharts, begins by plotting only the difference in points across all the Super Bowls. Additional lines can be plotted (or removed) by clicking on the legend above the chart. Also note that the smaller chart below the main chart has a sliding horizontal axis, which will magnify the main chart in the time-window specified. You can get details of which team won and which team lost by hovering over the lines.
yrgp = weeklystatsdf %.% filter(Year >= 1966) %.% group_by(Year) %.% summarise(Mean.Points.Sum = round(mean(Points.Sum),
digits = 2), Mean.YardsGained.Sum = round(mean(YardsGained.Sum), digits = 2),
Mean.Turnovers.Sum = round(mean(Turnovers.Sum), digits = 2), Mean.Points.Diff = round(mean(Points.Diff),
digits = 2), Mean.YardsGained.Diff = round(mean(YardsGained.Diff), digits = 2),
Mean.Turnovers.Diff = round(mean(Turnovers.Diff), digits = 2))
yrgpmelt = melt(yrgp, id = "Year")
totyearsum = nPlot(value ~ Year, group = "variable", data = yrgpmelt, type = "lineWithFocusChart")
totyearsum$set(disabled = c(T, T, T, F, T, T))
# totyearsum$publish('totyearsum',host='gist')
As with the earlier chart, this begins by plotting only the mean difference in points across all years. Additional lines can be plotted (or removed) by clicking on the legend above the chart. Yet again, the smaller chart below the main chart has a sliding horizontal axis, which will magnify the main chart in the time-window specified.
weekgp = weeklystatsdf %.% filter(Year >= 1966) %.% group_by(Week) %.% summarise(Mean.Points.Sum = round(mean(Points.Sum),
digits = 2), Mean.YardsGained.Sum = round(mean(YardsGained.Sum), digits = 2),
Mean.Turnovers.Sum = round(mean(Turnovers.Sum), digits = 2), Mean.Points.Diff = round(mean(Points.Diff),
digits = 2), Mean.YardsGained.Diff = round(mean(YardsGained.Diff), digits = 2),
Mean.Turnovers.Diff = round(mean(Turnovers.Diff), digits = 2))
weekgpmelt = melt(weekgp, id = "Week")
weeklyhplot = hPlot(y = "value", x = "Week", group = "variable", data = weekgpmelt,
type = "line")
weeklyhplot$chart(zoomType = "xy")
weeklyhplot$xAxis(labels = list(rotation = -90), style = list(fontSize = "10px"),
categories = levels(weekgp$Week))
weeklyhplot$legend(align = "top", verticalAlign = "top", layout = "horizontal")
# weeklyhplot$publish('weeklyhplot',host='gist')
In the following interactive highchart via rCharts, you can use the mouse to draw a square/rectangle in the chart area to zoom that section. You can also click on the text of the legend to make that specific line disappear (or reappear).
Before we work on the app, we need to do a bit more processing of the data. For one, we will save the weeklystatsdf data frame. We also create the following data frame (named 'weekgpyr'). The latter will be used for generating plots for weekly and annual means and our weeklystatsdf data frame will be used to generate interactive scatterplots.
weekgpyr = weeklystatsdf %.% group_by(Week, Year) %.% summarise(Mean.Points.Win = mean(Points.Win),
Mean.Points.Lose = mean(Points.Lose), Mean.YardsGained.Win = mean(YardsGained.Win),
Mean.YardsGained.Lose = mean(YardsGained.Lose), Mean.Turnovers.Win = mean(Turnovers.Win),
Mean.Turnovers.Lose = mean(Turnovers.Lose), Mean.Points.Sum = mean(Points.Sum),
Mean.YardsGained.Sum = mean(YardsGained.Sum), Mean.Turnovers.Sum = mean(Turnovers.Sum),
Mean.Points.Diff = mean(Points.Diff), Mean.YardsGained.Diff = mean(YardsGained.Diff),
Mean.Turnovers.Diff = mean(Turnovers.Diff))
weekgpyrmelt = melt(weekgpyr, id = c("Week", "Year"))
# save(weekgpyrmelt,file='weekgpyrmelt.rda') save(weeklystatsdf,
# file='weeklystatsdf.rda')
The code of this app can be found with the code for the entire post on github (see the links provided at the beginning of the post). Direct link to this app is: http://patilv.shinyapps.io/nflshiny/ . An alternate app doing the same thing can be found at http://glimmer.rstudio.com/vivekpatil/nflshinyglimmer/